Minggu, 16 November 2014

Pantomim iha Timor Leste

 Pantomim iha Timor Leste

Teatru Pantomim nudar teatru ida nebe diferencia ho teatru sira seluk, tamba teatru ne’e la uza lia fuan ka la koalia maibe uza deit mak dalen isin (bahasa tubuh)  
Ekpresaun teatru pantomim premeiro liu husi oin (mimik) nebe tenki pinta hanesan boneka, segundo liu husi dalen isin (bahasa tubuh) nebe tenki hatudo detalha aktividade nebe ita halo no terseiro liu husi Sound effek lia ka musika nebe akompanha prosesu aprezentasaun pantomim. Iha nasaun nebe dezenvolvido teatru pantomim sai hanesan aprezentasaun nebe interesante tebes ba Audencia.  
Oinsa teatru pantomim iha Timor leste ?
Aprezenta teatru pantomim iha Timor leste ba dauluk liu husi belun silvano Rodrigues
Aprezenta teatru ne’e dauluk aprezenta iha paklu indor TERTIL (Teatru Timor Leste) no aprezenta ba Daruak ne’e jardin borza iha evento feira turismo Timor leste nebe Realiza iha husi organizasaun Haburas Foundation. No ne’e nudar Aprezenta premeiro iha outdor ka iha liur no audencia barak mak hare aprezentasaun pantomim ne’e. 
Nudar autor Pantomim buat nebe hau senti aprezenta teatru ne’e bauluk iha iha Timor mak.... premeiro hau senti ksolok tebes tamba ne’e teatru foun no premeiro hau aprezenta iha Timor leste, segundo wainhira hau uza make-up no hatais kostum pantomim ema barak hare konfusaun no admira karik ba sira ne’e buat nebe uniko no foun ba sira. Terseiro wainhira hau aprezenta hotu ema barak mak fo parabens no hasai foto hamutuk... ne’e hatudo katak teatru ne’e mos fo ksolok no inspirasaun ba audencia.  
Buat nebe hau senti iha palku leten wanhira iha prosesu aprezenta Pantomim mak hau hare audencia sira nonok no eskpresaun nebe fokus ba palku, sira hamnasa wainhira iha akting ka jestu nebe komik.... ne’e hatudo katak audencia sira komprende istoria nebe.... ami halimar iha palku.....

Hau Aprende Pantomim iha ISI padangpanjang Sumatra Barat...wainhira hau tuir hela programa Darmasiswa, programa ne’e nudar bolsu estudo nebe oferese husi embaixa Indonesia... iha ISI padangpanjang hau foti fakuldade Teatru maibe iha mumento neba hau hanoin atu foti espesifiku liu mak teatru pantomim tamba hau hatene katak iha Timor leste seidauk iha ema nebe halimar pantomim no ne’e nudar razaun nebe motiva hau aprende Pantomim....  
Ba futuru hau hakarak atu fahe esperencia pantomim ba labarik no kolega joven sira liu husi treinamento ka kursu Pantomim

Kamis, 27 Maret 2014

Servisu hamutuk:

                    Servisu hamutuk:
1.   Tinan 2012 Servisu hamutuk AMKV (Asosiasaun Mane Kontra Violencia) mak Produs Filme konab “Mane ho Genero Igualidade”

2.   Setembro dia 3 too 11 tinan 2012 Servisu hamutuk ho Secretario Estado Arte Cultura hodi aprezenta teatru iha festival “Circuito de Teatro em Portugués ba dala VII. Iha São Paulo Brasil.
3.   Tinan 2013 fulan Maio no Julho Servisu hamutuk ho Chaild Found fo treinamento Teatru ba estudante Pre-secundaria Samutaben Distrito Maliana no Sub Distrito Suia.
4.   Loron 1-9 fulan Julho 2013 TERTIL servisu hamutuk ho Estundante Australia husi Charles Sturt University halo Teatru Lemorai konaba “FINI ba Moris”  

5. Fulan Agousto too Setembro servisu hamutuk Programa Fini ba Moris husi Ministerio Agrikultura no Pescas halo teatru lemorai lori informasaun konaba Pratika Agrikultura nebe diak.   
Apresenta Teatru Agrikultura

Signifika Logo

 Signifika Logo

TERTIL                  signifika      “Teatru Timor Leste”
Kaibauk                Signifika     simblo kultura Timor
Coor Bandeira      Signifika     nasionalismo Timor oan
Mascra                  Signifika     simblo Teatru Representa nudar Timor oan

Objectivo TERTIL

Grupo TERTIL halibur ema Timor oan nebe interese Arte Dramatika inklui educasaun publika liu husi Teatru, Filme, puizia, musika no dansa kultura. Fo oportunidade ba ema hotu atu hetan asesu ba arte halo ligasaun ho grupu Teatru iha Timor no ba Internasional

1.   Visaun TERTIL :
1.   Hametin nasionalismo no harii dame liu husi Teatru
2.   Teatru nudar media ida atu Hato’o informasaun no fo ksolok ba komunidade

2.   Misaun TERTIL :   

1.   Dezenvolve kultura Timor liu husi dalan Teatru. 
2. Dezenvolve talenta Timor oan iha Area multiarte. 
3. Halo ligasaun ho grupo Teatru iha rai liur no Timor Laran hodi sharing esperensia Teatru ba Malu. 

        1.   TERTIL Go Internasional 
1        Setembro 2012.
Tuir festival “Circuito de Teatro em Portugués ba dala VII. Iha São Paulo Brasil. Servisu hamutuk ho ministerio Turismo diresau Arte kultura.
Apresenta teatru lisan Timor iha Brasil

Profile TERTIL (Lian Tetum)

Profile TERTIL (Lian Tetum)

TERTIL, Mak Grupo Teatru Timor Leste, harii iha loron 8 fulan Setembro Tinan 2012. Nebe harii husi membro eis Bibi Bulak. TERTIL nudar Grupo “non profit” mosu ho intensaun atu halao nia knar iha Area multiarte atu dezenvolve talenta labarik no foinsae nebe iha neon ba Arte.

Hanorin Teatru ba Jovan no Labarik sira

Programa Servisu TERTIL iha Area multi Arte hanesan:

              Area Teatru hanesan;
    1.  Aprezentasaun drama mak; drama kultura Timor, komik, sirkus, badut, abstrak, drama musical, drama clasic, no forum teatru.
   2. Loke kursu ka treinamento Teatru ba labarik no foinsae sira hanesan aprende konaba prosesu aprsenta teatru iha palku leten, akting ka gestura, vocal, lighting ka ahi, hakerek script Teatru no Aprende Artistik hanesan poperty, kostum, make up no setting palku.
Teatru Realismo konaba "violencia domestika" no Teatru kultura konaba "lisan Timor"

                                           1.  Area Filmagen hanesan;  
      Produs filme, TV magazine, Filme dokumenter, Programa feature.
   Feature Loke kursu filmazen ba Timor oan aprende atu sai hanesan Produtor, directing/sutradara, Editor, Camera Man, hakerek script, Artistik, fotografer, sai talenta ba Artista no Aprende prosesu shooting filme husi premeiro to hotu.

2. Area Art Magazine hanesan:
Hakerek puizia, halo livro kreatividade, no JP (jurnal parendi)
     Area musika. Hanesan musik klip, no performance musik    
Anima komunidade ho musika 


Rabu, 26 Maret 2014

Contact Us

Contact Us

Name               : Silvano Rodrigues Xavier
Position           : Director of TERTIL
Mobile             : +670 77127038
Email               : silvanorodrigues18@yahoo.co.id
Facebook         : silvano.rodriguez@ymail.com

Facebook         : tertil@yahoo.co.id

The members of TERTIL

TERTIL Networking 2

From March 1 to July 9, 2013,TERTIL collaborated with students from Charles Sturt University in
Sydney, Australia. This collaboration included  a theatrical performance of "Seeds of Life" in the villages,
schools and markets in Timor Leste.

From August to September 2013, TERTIL collaborated with the "Seeds of Life" of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Timor Leste. This collaboration included a theater tour in the villages, markets and in the theater school, that focused on the topic of "good agricultural practices" to promote corn Sele and Noi Mutin in Timor Leste.
performance theater for community in base 

TERTIL Networking 1

TERTIL Networking
In 2012, TERTIL AMKV collaborated with organizations that support men against domestic violence
One of the major activities to support this cause was the production of a movie called "Mane ho Genero 
Igualidade" the film version in the language of Timor Leste.
film production

2. From September 03 to 11 in 2012, TERTIL collaborated with the Secretariat of Art and Culture of
East Timor. This collaboration included a cultural theater performance, staged in Sao Paulo, Brazil, at 
the festival "Circuito de Teatro em Portugués to VII”

In 2013 May and July, TERTIL collaborated with the international organization, Child Found, to provide
theatrical training to high school students in the elementary school districts of Maliana and Suai, West

The Istory of TERTIL

The Istory of TERTIL

 TERTIL a community theater group from Timor Leste, was established on 8 September 2012. Initially, the Secretariat of Art and Culture of Timor Leste requested that a group of artists perform at the art and culture festival, "Circuito de Teatro em Portugues is to VII” in Sao Paulo Brazil in 2012. The artists who founded this group were past members of the Crazy Goat (Bibi Bulak) Group that separated in 2009. After performing in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the artists convened to discuss the state of theater in Timor Leste. The artists decided to form this group, TERTIL, to establish a consistent national theaterical organization to promote art and culture in Timor Leste. The name, TERTIL, means theater of Timor Leste. The logo of the organization includes the Kaibauk symbol which is a head wrap normally used by both men and women in Timor Leste. The logo also includes the mask symbol of theater, and the four colors of the flag of Timor Leste.  

Logo of TERTIL 

TERTIL programs/services offered:
1.      Theatrical arts programs/services include: theater culture, comedy, circus, poetry, music and dance culture, among others.
2.      Audio visual programs/services include: film production, digital magazine, feature/profile, documentary film, and art magazine, among others.

TERTIL Vision:
1.      To arouse nationalism and create a generation of peace in East Timor through the art of theater.
2.      To inform the audience about social issues in Timor Leste through the performing arts.

TERTIL Mission:
1.      To develop the arts and culture of East Timor.
2.      To educate and develop youth talent in theatrical arts.
3.      To organize cooperations with international community theaters in various countries.